
Things to do before your NDIS meeting

Consider collecting information about why you need wound and pressure care supports. You may have previous reports or care plans; bring these to your plan review so that your planner understands your health needs better.

If it’s the first time in a planning meeting think about your life now and what you would like it to be in the future. Think about the areas that need to improve. Think about how living with a chronic wound impacts your ability to do the things in life that you’d like to do.

It would be useful to think about the following questions:

● Do you have a disability that puts you at high risk in developing a wound?
● Do you have diabetes, heart disease, obesity, kidney disease or other health issues?
● Have you had previous skin breakdown? This could be previous pressure wounds
● Is your skin dry or itchy?
● Do you use skin friendly products to cleanse your skin? (not soap and water)
● Are you using medications like topical or systemic steroids?
● Do you have bladder or bowel incontinence?
● Do you develop irritation/rashes often?
● Do you have an existing wound?

Estimating a budget

Think about the wound and pressure care products that you use on a day to day basis (e.g. dressings, gauze, bandages, tape, lymphoedema garments and pressure wraps).

● Estimate how many pieces per month of each you would use
● Multiply by 12 to get a yearly quantity
● Multiply the yearly quantity by the cost of each product
● Add all the different products that you have been using as advised

See table to help you with calculating an estimated budget.

Product  Cost Pieces per month  Estimated yearly cost 
Foam dressing      
Compression bandage
Barrier film
Skin cleanser
Skin moisturiser

Receiving your plan

Once you have met with your planner and they collect all the required information you can access your plan via the NDIS my place portal using myGov account login credentials. It is important that you review your plan carefully to ensure all your needs are supported. When you accept the plan, it will be reviewed once per year.

